Corona Disease(COVID-19) to ongoing Pandemic.

What is Corona Disease(COVID-19):- It is a severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SCRS-CoV-2), which can spread due to close contact or via sneezing and cough through respiratory droplets but it is not considered as airborne spread virus during respiration. People get affected by this virus only when they come in contact with any infected thing and then it travels to mouth or nose. 

Corona Disease(COVID-19) Symptoms:-

corona disease COVID-19

It’s very difficult to see symptoms of spread virus in the infected person in the early days, it takes nearly 2-14 days after the person gets infected and he/she might not have any idea how and when they got infected. Some of the common symptoms that are observed in an infected person are

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Fatigue 
  • Muscle pain 
  • Shortness of breath 
  • Dry cough 
  • Sore throat 
  • Loss of smell (Anosmia)
  • Headache 
  • Vomiting 
  • Diarrhea

Transmission: – This virus can easily be transferred from the infected person or thing to another person by coming in close contact with the infected person/item or via sneezing and cough which produce respiratory droplets. The minimum survival time of virus to some common items which can play a crucial role in passing it over to others.

  • Door handles it can keep it infected for hours to days
  • Plastic surface it can infectious for 3 days 
  • Cupboards can remain infectious 1 day 
  • Stainless steel surface can be infectious for 3 days
  • Copper items can be infectious for 3-4 hours
    But still, it is not being considered as an airborne disease.
Prevention: – 

The methods that can prevent you from getting infected by this virus are very simple and can protect you from getting infected and even from further spread 

  • Hand-wash: – Every person should wash hands after sneezing, coughing or using common utilities with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer for 30 seconds.
  • Physical distancing:- One should restrict his traveling, attending functions, workplace, visit supermarkets or to the places which have to gather more than 15 people  
  • Self-isolation:- The best prevention that has been observed in decreasing the no of infected people is self-isolation for a minimum of 14 days to a month. 

Treatment: – To date, no such special treatment and vaccination have not been invented that can cure COVID-19, but the researchers are working hard to find out the best treatment and vaccination for the COVID-19 with the earliest possibilities.

Note: – Thanks for sparing time in going through such a piece of crucial information, please try to share the information. Be aware of fake Corona Disease(COVID-19) news and stories circulated on different social media platforms. So stay safe, stay self-isolated and stay healthy in fighting against COVID-19.

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