Google Adsense ads are not running on the website – Problem solved

From last few days, every blogger or website owner is getting the problem to display ads on their website or blog. They are reporting to Adsense that Google Adsense ads are not running. People are getting lose from the issue.

What actually happen?

If you don’t know about the problem, then this article can help you to understand the issue and re-display ads on your website/blog. To understand the issue, you need to

-> open Google Adsense
-> Sign In with your adsense account
When you sign-in to your account, you will see an alert top of the page. It will looks like this one

Google Adsense ads are not running on the website – Problem solved

What is this?

Actually a new change in the policy of Google Adsense. According to Google Adsense, every website or blog owner needs to add new data into their website to continue displaying ads. You can learn more here

Blogger User :

It is very easy for blogger users to add an ads.txt file into their blog. Just follow these steps.

Step 1: Goto your blogger account by clicking here

Step 2: Goto settings


Step 3: After settings, go to seach preferences


Step 4: In search preference, goto Monetisation


In this tab, you will see an option custom ads.txt under Monetisation. By default it is Disabled.

Step 5: click on Edit.

After that, you will see a text box. Enter the following code into the box., pub-0000000000000000, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Important: must replace pub-0000000000000000 with your own Adsense publisher id

Where is my publisher Id?

To get your publisher id, you must log in to your Adsense account by clicking here. After that go to the home page of the Adsense account. You will see your publisher id in the URL.

Step 6: Click “Save changes”.

After adding ads.txt into your blogger, your ads will be continue after 24-48 hours.

Our team also wishes you best for the above notification and stay tuned for the further updates for various suitable job opportunities.

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