New Traffic rules: First day severely challaned, people folding hands, holding ears and asking for forgiveness

On the streets of Delhi, though, the traffic cops daily cut the challan of those who break the rules, but Sunday saw something different.Somewhere, some traffic was requesting to leave with folded hands in front of the policemen, while holding an ear and apologizing, promising that the rule would never break.

On the first day, around 3900 invoices have been cut under the new traffic rules in Delhi.

Someone was referring to forgetting the helmet in a hurry to go for birthday celebrations, while someone was asking for a chance once they were not aware of the new rules. This effect was due to the increased fine which came into force in Delhi from Sunday.

Following the amendments made in the motor vehicle act, the penalty for breaking traffic rules has now increased by 5 to 10 times.For this reason, earlier, people who used to be chalked by cutting challan of just Rs 100, now when they have to get challan of Rs 1000, then they are losing their sweat.

According to the instructions of the Delhi government, the traffic police has started cutting challans according to the new rules from Sunday, but since the transport department is yet to complete some necessary formalities, the traffic police is not charging the amount of fine on-spot. , Rather cutting the invoices of the court.

According to the sources, the traffic policemen have been instructed that some day, on the lines of a particular campaign, the quality resolution is to be done loudly instead of cutting the challan under the new rules, that is, in small cases, instead of cutting the challan, the traffic rules are serious. The focus is more on the violators.

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