Tag: latest news

Book Your Covid Vaccine Appointment on Whatsapp
coronavirus, Daily Updates

Book Your Covid Vaccine Appointment on Whatsapp

In no time, Covid took over our normal life and we were forced to wear masks to save our lives. Ever since the vaccines are launched people are struggling to book their appointment for covid vaccination. The government has launched multiple ways to make the vaccination process simpler. From the Cowin website, Aarogya setu application to various camps there are multiple ways to book your covid vaccine appointment. Now, the government has taken one more step to reach more people for covid vaccination. You can book an appointment through Whatsapp. Yes, it is true and we will show you how to do it. https://twitter.com/mygovindia/status/1430012766669004800 Step To Follow To Book Vaccine Appointment Union minister for health i.e. Mansukh Mandaviya himself tweeted about this new updat...
WhatsApp now allow chat history transfers between iOS phone and Android.
Daily Updates

WhatsApp now allow chat history transfers between iOS phone and Android.

What’sApp has recently announced they will be introducing the new updates to move your entire chat-history between Android device and iOS device. The most usable social network FB company has revealed that users will be able to move their voice notes, photos and conversations if they choose to switch mobile operating systems. New feature The latest feature should help address one of WhatsApp most frustrating elements, which is that it’s never been possible before to transfer your chat data  between IOS and android systems. If you choose What’sApps cloud backup feature, then iOS device chat histories are stored in Apple iCloud store, while Android’s are used Google Drive, meaning it’s only possible to transfer your chats between phones while running the same operating system. The ...