Tag: whatsapp

Whatsapp May Get Quick Message Reactions Just Like Facebook Messenger
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Whatsapp May Get Quick Message Reactions Just Like Facebook Messenger

Ever since the development of message reactions, life has become truly sorted. It's actually quite normal for people to feel lazy while replying to anyone's message with long text. Things that require just reactions must be given reactions only. If you are a Facebook or Instagram user then you might have already used this feature. The interesting thing is that Whatsapp may get quick message reactions just like Facebook messenger and Instagram. We all know how much we are addicted to this messaging app. With the addition of this option, we will find it even more interesting to use this app. New Whatsapp Update On Reactions Currently, the company is busy working on the platform Whatsapp to add this feature. It is just an effort to enhance the usability of the messaging app. Right now,...
WhatsApp now allow chat history transfers between iOS phone and Android.
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WhatsApp now allow chat history transfers between iOS phone and Android.

What’sApp has recently announced they will be introducing the new updates to move your entire chat-history between Android device and iOS device. The most usable social network FB company has revealed that users will be able to move their voice notes, photos and conversations if they choose to switch mobile operating systems. New feature The latest feature should help address one of WhatsApp most frustrating elements, which is that it’s never been possible before to transfer your chat data  between IOS and android systems. If you choose What’sApps cloud backup feature, then iOS device chat histories are stored in Apple iCloud store, while Android’s are used Google Drive, meaning it’s only possible to transfer your chats between phones while running the same operating system. The ...